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The Shining Star of Christmas

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Carol Graves and Laura Closner

December 2013 9780983084716



What does it mean to be “faithful”?

The story of Christmas is told as a little star takes on a big responsibility.  The angels tell the shepherds and Wisemen that they will find the Messiah if they follow the light of the Shining Star.  The tiny star is faithful to shine its light so that the path is clear to all.  The example of the Shining Star is inspiring as children learn that God offers the gift of His light to us so that we, too, can faithfully shine and lead others to the Savior.  


High up in the heavens on one dark, peaceful night, a tiny star twinkled with its bright shining light.

Although this star was tiny, its light began to grow. It filled up all the heavens with the glory of its glow.

The star shown down on Joseph as an angel from Heaven came. The angel said Mary would have a Son and Jesus would be His name.

As the angel told Mary about the babe, the star did so brightly shine! "This Jesus," thought the Shining Star, "is a light even brighter than mine!"